Keurig K Express Troubleshooting: All the common issues and the best solutions

Keurig K-express is a compact coffee maker introduced by Keurig. It differs from other Keurig models by being lighter and smaller, taking up less room, and still brewing coffee with high quality at a low price. Follow these steps to troubleshoot your Keurig and find a solution to any problem you may be having.

How does a Keurig K Express Coffee Maker Work?

This machine uses capsules and hot water to create a cup of coffee. While this machine is very convenient, there are certain things that can go wrong. If you’re having trouble with your Keurig K-Express, read on for some common issues and the best solutions. 

If you also want to know more about Keurig K Express, read these articles.

Keurig K Express Common Problems

Poor Quality of Coffee: One of the most common issues with Keurig K Express brewers is that the coffee produces of poor quality. This can be due to many reasons, including dirty filters or broken parts. To fix this problem, you can try descaling your machine or replacing the filters. You can also try using a different brand of coffee or switching to a manual brewer.

Brewing Issues: If you are having difficulty brewing your coffee, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure that you have all of the necessary supplies, including water and grounds. Next, try adjusting the water temperature or changing the type of coffee bean used. If these measures do not work, try resetting your machine by pressing and holding the brew button for 10 seconds. 

No coffee coming out of the machine: If you’re experiencing problems with your Keurig K Express coffee brewing, there may be something wrong with the machine itself. Check to see if anything is obstructing the coffee dispense or if there is an issue with the water line.

The machine isn’t heating up: If your Keurig K Express is not heating up, make sure that the power cord is plugged in properly and that there isn’t any electrical interference in the area. Check to see if there’s anything blocking the heat from reaching the machine.

troubleshooting and solutions

1. won’t turn on

When your Keurig K Express is not working, here are the reasons and solutions. 

Defective power cord: The power cord may be defective if your Keurig K Express is not turning on. To troubleshoot this issue, try replacing the power cord. If that doesn’t help, you may also need to replace the power adapter.

Overloaded machine: The machine might be overloaded if your Keurig K Express isn’t turning on, it could also be because it’s overloaded. To troubleshoot this issue, try reducing the number of cups that are being brewed at once. You can also try brewing a smaller cup size to see if that solves the problem. The water tanks might be empty.

Water tanks are empty: Another possible cause of a Keurig K Express not turning on is if the water tanks are empty. To troubleshoot this issue, fill up both tanks with water and try turning on the machine again.

Broken power cord: If the power cord is broken, it won’t be able to provide enough electricity to turn on the machine. To fix this, you’ll need to replace the power cord.

Dirty water tank: If the water tank is dirty, it won’t be able to produce enough hot water to turn on the machine. To clean the tank, fill it with cold water and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then use filtered water to brew your coffee.

Low battery: If the battery is low, it won’t be able to provide enough power to turn on the machine. To charge the battery, plug in the charger and wait until the green light turns blue.

2. not heating water

When you experience with Keurig K Express brewers not heating water. This can be due to a number of different reasons, including a defective heating system or blocked filters. To fix this problem, you will need to take some steps to troubleshoot the issue.

First, check to see if the water is hot enough by using a thermometer. If the water isn’t hot enough, you may need to replace the heating element or filter. If the water still isn’t heating up, it may be due to a faulty relay or power cord. In this case, you will need to replace the entire machine.

3. won’t brew

This is probably the most common issue with Keurig brewers. Sometimes the machine just doesn’t power up. To fix this problem, try turning off the machine and then back on again. If that doesn’t work, you may have to replace the battery.

4. not dispensing water 

Another common problem with Keurig K Express machines is that they won’t dispense water if the water temperature is too high or too low. To fix this problem, you will need to adjust the temperature of the water reservoir. You can do this by turning the temperature knob on the machine or by adjusting the temperature of the tap in your home.

If the machine dispenses too much water, it may overfill the reservoir and cause a flood. If the machine dispenses too little water, it may not be able to reach all of the coffee grounds and resulting in poor coffee quality.

5. Keurig K-Express is leaking from the bottom

One possible cause is a clogged needle. Over time, coffee grounds and other debris can accumulate in the needle that punctures the K-Cup. This can cause a buildup of pressure that results in leaking. To fix this, you can use a paper clip or needle to carefully clean out the needle.

Another possible cause is a loose water reservoir. If the water reservoir is not properly secured, water can leak out from the bottom of the machine. To fix this, simply make sure the reservoir is securely in place.

Finally, a damaged gasket could also be the cause of the leaking. The gasket is a small rubber seal that helps to prevent leaks. Over time, the gasket can become damaged or worn, leading to leaks. To fix this, you’ll need to replace the gasket.

If none of these solutions fix the problem, it’s possible that there is a more serious issue with the machine. In this case, it may be best to contact Keurig customer support or take the machine to a professional for repair

6. Keurig K-Express is leaking when brewing

One possible cause is a clogged needle. To fix this, you can use a paper clip or needle to carefully clean out the needle. Another possible cause is a damaged or worn gasket. To fix this, you’ll need to replace the gasket.

A third possible cause is an overfilled water reservoir. If the water level is above the max fill line, it can cause excess pressure and leaking during brewing. Make sure to fill the water reservoir only up to the max fill line.

Finally, it’s possible that there is a more serious issue with the machine, such as a cracked or damaged water line. In this case, it may be best to contact Keurig customer support or take the machine to a professional for repair.

To prevent future leaking issues, make sure to regularly clean and maintain your Keurig K-express. This includes descaling the machine every three to six months, using only filtered or bottled water, and regularly cleaning the needle and other parts of the machine.

7. Keurig K Express light is flashing

This is likely the first problem that you will experience with your machine. The light may be flashing because there is an issue with the machine’s power supply. To fix this issue, you will need to replace the power cord.

The other common issue that causes this light to flash is a defective brew button. If you’re experiencing this issue, you can try to replace the button yourself or take your machine to a repair shop. 

8. Keurig K Express strong button isn’t working

If the strong button isn’t working, you may also need to clean the contacts on the machine. Cleaning these contacts will help to improve the machine’s ability to communicate with the buttons. You can do this by using a damp cloth and mild soap. Be sure to rinse off the machine after cleaning it to avoid leaving any soap residue behind.

Adjust the button. If all else fails, you can try adjusting the buttons on your machine. To do this, turn it off and unplug it from the wall before removing the front panel. It’s likely that one of the buttons is stuck or broken and needs to be replaced.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to take your machine in for repair. Contact your local Keurig store or dealer for more information on how to get your machine fixed.

9. My coffee tastes bad

There are several reasons why your Keurig coffee may taste bad:

  • Dirty or clogged machine: Over time, mineral buildup or coffee grinds can accumulate in your Keurig machine, affecting the taste of your coffee. Clean the machine regularly by descaling it, washing the reservoir and lid, and wiping down the exterior. Run water through the machine without a K-Cup to flush out any residual buildup.
  • Old or stale coffee: Coffee grounds can become stale or lose their flavor over time. Make sure you’re using fresh, high-quality coffee, and store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Don’t use expired K-Cups or those that have been open for a long time.
  • Incorrect brewing temperature: If your water is too hot or not hot enough, it can affect the taste of your coffee. Check that your machine is heating the water to the correct temperature, which is between 195-205°F. If the temperature is too high or too low, adjust it if possible.
  • Wrong cup size: Using the wrong cup size setting on your Keurig can affect the strength and taste of your coffee. Make sure you’re selecting the correct cup size for your brew.
  • Mineral-rich water: Hard water with high mineral content can affect the taste of your coffee. Use filtered or bottled water to improve the quality of your brew.

By addressing these potential causes, you can improve the taste of your Keurig coffee. If the problem persists, you may want to contact Keurig customer support or take the machine to a professional for repair.

10. My coffee contains grounds

If your Keurig coffee contains grounds, there are a few potential causes and solutions you can try. Here’s a possible answer:

  • Improper K-Cup insertion: If the K-Cup is not inserted properly, it can lead to grounds in your coffee. Make sure the K-Cup is fully seated in the holder and the holder is securely in place before brewing.
  • Clogged needle: A clogged needle can cause coffee grounds to get stuck in the needle, which can then end up in your cup. Clean the needle with a paper clip or needle to remove any buildup.
  • Damaged or defective K-Cups: Sometimes, K-Cups can become damaged or defective, which can cause grounds to leak into your coffee. Try using a different K-Cup to see if the problem persists.
  • Wrong cup size: Using the wrong cup size setting on your Keurig can also cause grounds to end up in your coffee. Make sure you’re selecting the correct cup size for your brew.
  • Dirty machine: A dirty Keurig machine can also cause grounds in your coffee. Clean the machine regularly by descaling it and wiping down the exterior.

By addressing these potential causes, you can prevent coffee grounds from ending up in your Keurig coffee. If the problem persists, you may want to contact Keurig customer support or take the machine to a professional for repair.

Maintenance and Prevention tips

How to clean a Keurig K-Express?

  1. Make sure the machine is properly plugged into an electrical outlet and your computer. If the machine isn’t working, it may be because it is not properly plugged in.
  2. Next, check to see if any of the water lines are kinked or damaged. If one of the water lines is kinked, it can prevent water from flowing into or out of the machine.
  3. Try unplugging the machine and plugging it back in to see if that fixes the problem. If not, you may need to replace the water line.
  4. If none of these fixes the issue, try cleaning out the brewer using these simple steps: remove all of the parts from the machine and rinse them off with warm water and a mild detergent.
  5. Pour a small amount of white vinegar into each of the four water reservoirs. Let it sit for five minutes, then pour out all of the vinegar and replace all of the parts.


How to descale a Keurig K-Express?

Follow these steps to descale your machine:

  1. Unplug the machine and wait at least five minutes before trying to descale it. This will give the coffee grounds a chance to settle.
  2. Remove the reservoir by pressing down on one side and pulling up. You’ll see two green buttons – press the one on the right and hold it while unscrewing the cap on the left. Throw out the used coffee grounds and rinse out the reservoir.
  3. Fill up the reservoir with cold water and place it back on top of the machine. Press down on one side of the reservoir until it snaps into place, then press on the other side to secure it. Turn on the machine by pressing down on both buttons at once, then wait for it to cycle through the start-up process.
  4. Once it’s finished cycling, release both buttons and set the machine back down so that water can drain out of the reservoir. Wait at least five more minutes before using your Keurig again.

How to reset a Keurig?

To reset a Keurig K-express, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the machine from the power source.
  2. Remove the water reservoir and empty any remaining water.
  3. Reinstall the water reservoir and make sure it is firmly in place.
  4. Plug the machine back into the power source.
  5. Turn the machine on and wait for it to fully heat up.
  6. Lift the handle and insert a K-Cup, then close the handle.
  7. Place a cup under the dispenser and start a brewing cycle. Do not insert a K-Cup for this cycle.
  8. Repeat this process two more times, brewing without a K-Cup.
  9. Your Keurig K Express is now reset and ready to use.

If you are still experiencing issues with your Keurig K Express after resetting it, you may want to contact Keurig customer support or take the machine to a professional for repair.

Following proper usage guidelines

  1. Use only clean, fresh water: Ensure that you use clean, fresh water every time you fill up the reservoir. Tap water is okay, but if your water supply is particularly hard or has a strong taste, consider using filtered or bottled water.
  2. Use the right size pod: Keurig K Express machines are designed to work with K-Cup pods of various sizes, from 6-12 ounces. Be sure to use the right size pod for the amount of coffee you want.
  3. Don’t reuse pods: Keurig K Express pods are designed to be single-use only. Don’t try to reuse them, as this can affect the quality of your coffee.
  4. Let the machine warm up: It’s important to let your Keurig K Express warm up for a few minutes before you start brewing. This allows the water to heat up to the right temperature and ensures that you get the best possible coffee.
  5. Descale regularly: As mentioned earlier, it’s important to descale your Keurig K Express regularly to prevent mineral buildup. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when doing so.
  6. Store pods properly: To ensure that your K-Cup pods stay fresh and flavorful, store them in a cool, dry place away from strong smells or moisture. A pantry or cupboard is a good choice.

keurig k express


Keurig K-express is a great way to brew your favorite coffee without having to fuss with a traditional pot or French press. However, like any new piece of equipment, there may be times when it doesn’t work as expected. We will go over some of the most common issues and the best solutions for fixing them.